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Articles | Niva Bupa


Niva Bupa

12 November 2019

Hey there, workaholics! Are you constantly glued to your desk, buried under a mountain of never-ending tasks and deadlines? Well, this one's for you! Welcome to a world where a workout fits into your busy schedule. With this blog, you will discover unique and exciting exercises you can squeeze in anytime, anywhere, even between those back-to-back meetings and marathon brainstorming sessions. It's time to unleash your inner productivity while keeping your body happy and healthy. Let's dive in.


Power Through Six: Energising Exercises to Crush Workaholic Blues

Kitchen, parking, office, and even the elevator. Here are the top 6 anywhere, anytime exercises when you are in the rush hour or on the go:



To perform calf raises, start by standing tall with your feet hip-width apart, placing your hands on your hips, or maintaining a stable posture with your arms by your sides. Keep your toes firmly planted, and slowly lift your heels off the floor. Pause for a moment at the top, feeling the stretch in your calves, and then lower your heels back down to the ground.

Calf raises help to strengthen your calf muscles, improve ankle stability, and promote better circulation in your lower legs. Do at least 20 to 30 repetitions a day.



You spend a long time sitting on that chair every day. Now try working out on it. Yes, it’s possible with an exercise called the chair dips. It’s an excellent exercise for strengthening your triceps. Start with a chair in front of you. Now, face the opposite side and sit on the edge with your hands behind the hips. 

Make sure your shoulders are width apart and straight. Slowly lift your body with your feet forward. You need the right posture with your chin up and chest out. Don’t bend your knees beyond your toes. Next, lower your body bending your elbows not more than 90 degrees. Extend your arms so that you are supporting your body weight. Try to do 3 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions.



Lunges can be done anywhere. At work, in a mall or even while walking towards the parking lot. The best part is that it involves using your own body weight. Yes, it requires no equipment, just your strength and flexibility. Start with your feet apart in proportion to the hip-width. Step a long way forward with one leg. 

Put your weight on the front foot as you lower your hips. Lift your back heel while keeping your front foot flat. Keep lunging forward till your back knee is almost on the floor. The front knee has to be placed directly above the ankle. Make sure there is a 90° bend in both the knees. Now push yourself back up and you are ready to go with the other leg.



Planks are probably one of the best exercises to get your core and back muscles in shape. And guess what? All you need is just the floor. 

Get into a pushup position on the floor. Now bend your elbows 90 degrees and let your weight rest on your forearms and toes. Hold on to this position as long as possible and feel your core burn. Start with 30 seconds all the way to 2 minutes. Get your fitness on top with each plank.



Gentle yet impactful, arm circles provide a discreet way to engage your upper body and enhance your workday wellness. Stand straight and with your feet shoulder-width apart to begin this workout. Straighten your arms so they are parallel to the floor and out to the sides. Begin making small clockwise and anti-clockwise motions with your arms, gradually increasing the diameter of the circles. You can pick up two objects like light dumbbells or even two books or folders on either side to build more resistance.

As you do so, you'll activate and strengthen your shoulder, chest, and back muscles. In addition, the controlled movement of arm circles promotes improved blood circulation and helps relieve the tension built up from long hours of desk work.



Elevate your workday fitness level with discreet yet effective squats. Begin by standing up from your desk, positioning your feet shoulder-width apart. Then, with controlled movements, lower your body by bending your knees, aiming to reach a seated position. Slowly rise back up to complete one repetition.

Stealthy Squats primarily target your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, providing a quick lower-body workout while boosting metabolism. Whether on a conference call or taking a short break, squats offer a practical way to stay active throughout the workday.


Wrapping Up

And there you have it! Incorporating these five anytime workouts into your daily routine allows you to embrace a healthier, more energised version of yourself. Not only will these exercises benefit your physical well-being, but they will also elevate your mental clarity, focus, and overall productivity. By nurturing your body, you're nurturing your mind, and that's a winning combination for success.

Remember, it's not about finding large chunks of time for workouts; it's about seizing every opportunity to move and groove, even within the confines of your busy work schedule. Let these anytime workouts be the catalysts that ignite a positive change in your work-life balance.




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