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Understanding Travel Insurance Coverage: Benefits and Types

Posted On : 02 August 2023, 8 Months Ago. Travel
Travel Insurance

Staying protected on the go has become a necessity in the given times. Especially with the rising unexpected health emergencies like the pandemic, the need for insurance related to travelling has become more vital than ever.


It so often happens that people travelling are not aware of the provision of insurance. Hence, it becomes all the more important to be aware of all the aspects that revolve around travel insurance.


The following blog will serve as a guide to understanding insurance for people who travel, whether domestically or internationally, seldom or frequently.


What is Travel Insurance?

It is provided by travel agencies while the customers book tickets and tour packages.  Travel insurance companies ensure financial safety for anyone who opts for this insurance. This type of insurance safeguards one from facing a financial crisis in case of any mishap that occurs while they are travelling.


Salient features include:


  • Provides coverage for medical emergencies while you are on a trip
  • Offers coverage for any other mishap that occurs, like a personal accident
  • Coverage for loss of baggage or other important documents like passport
  • Coverage for cancelled flights and delays


What are its Benefits?

Having a stress-free vacation or an important official tour is vital. Insurance makes it easier, and here are a few reasons why.


  • Coverage of expenses - Insurance safeguards you against the financial burden that befalls an individual in case of a mishap while you are on a trip. It offers coverage of expenses for medical emergencies, ensuring to cater to all your medical needs irrespective of which part of the world you are in. Not only this, but it also provides coverage in case of any catastrophic accident that might occur.
  • Peace of mind - Perhaps one of the most self-explanatory and key benefits of insurance is having a peaceful state of mind knowing that your future is secured. Having the knowledge that your savings and financial burden are being taken care of while you travel is a key to safe, secure, and happy travelling.
  • Coverage of loss - Not only do travel policies offer provisions equal to that of health insurance and personal accident insurance, but they also address, resolve and cover any losses that occur while travelling. For instance, loss of luggage, loss of important documents like your passport. They offer coverage for any such mishaps.
  • Different types - There are different types of travel plans available, so you can choose the one that suits your requirements perfectly.


What are its Various Types and their Coverage?




Domestic Travel Plan

As the name suggests, this travel plan offers coverage to a person who travels within the premises of the country. It will cover the expenses for losses or a crisis that occurs while on the trip.

International Travel Plan

International travel plan offers coverage of expenses to anyone travelling outside the country. Apart from offering basic benefits like a domestic travel plan, it also provides coverage in the case of flight accidents, repartition back to one's own country and more.

Group Travel Plan

Group travel plan works best for a group of employees working together. It offers coverage to every individual. For working employees, group insurance travel is the most affordable and beneficial. It covers everything from medical expenses to losses.

Senior Citizen Travel Plan

Senior citizen travel insurance offers all the benefits of a standard travel plan but with additional coverage. It ensures coverage for all possible mishaps, including cashless hospitalisation.

Single-trip and Multi-trip Travel Plans

Single-trip travel plan works best for those people who travel once in a while. This provides them full coverage for that one trip.

Multi-trip travel plan is beneficial for people who travel frequently. Through this plan, they can pay a sum insured annually, thereby ensuring coverage for all the trips they make.


Having known the different types, coverage, and benefits of travel plans, one can make an informed decision about which plan to opt for. Insurance will keep you protected and stress-free while you travel. So the next time you make a checklist of travel essentials, make sure to tick off travel insurance.

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